Public Health England are hoping to sign the one millionth smoker to Stoptober this year. Hopefully that could be you or someone you know. Your chances of quitting and staying quit are much greater if you do that with support and the concept of Stoptober is simple. All you have to do is search Stoptober online and register to be one of hundreds of thousands of smokers aiming to quit for the month of October. This year the campaign is supported by top British comedians Rhod Gilbert, Al Murray, Bill Bailey and Shappi Khorsandi. They will send you daily texts or emails to keep you on track and if you stay off the cigarettes for 28 days you have five times the chance of staying quit! If you smoke 20 a day, you will save yourself £250 a month – just think what you could do with that extra cash? Go for it – sign up now! What have you got to lose?!