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Mail On Sunday Article

Working with The Mail On Sunday, in their Healthcare Innovations Supplement. We raised the question – is it time that you had a Health MOT? For the full supplement and my article on Page 36, please click here

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Asking for a Second Opinion

Asking for a second opinion when you are facing a difficult decision about whether or not to opt for a particular treatment or operation is relatively straight forward and your doctor may even offer you an appointment to see another doctor to help you make that decision. If you are dissatisfied with the service your doctor has given you or …

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I’ve been suffering from severe dandruff for the past couple of months. My scalp itches and large flakes of skin come out. I’ve tried special shampoos from the shop but they don’t seem to make a difference. What else can I try? Dandruff is usually caused by a yeast. The scalp produces a natural oil called sebum which creates a …

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Chill Blains

I get chill blains in the winter but now my hands and fingers seem very cold too. A friend said I might have Raynaud’s Syndrome. What is that? Raynaud’s is a disease of the small blood vessels supplying the hands and feet, which go into spasm in response to a drop in temperature. It is very common. There are over …

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Why does my bottom itch?

I have started getting a very itchy bottom, particularly around my anus. The itchiness is worse at night and it’s very sore when I go to the toilet. I’m too embarrassed to ask my doctor about it, can you help? I’m afraid top of my list of possible diagnoses would be that you have worms. The adult worms lay their …

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My nose is always red

I always have a red nose. The rest of my skin is normal looking, although I have spots occasionally. Why is my nose red? I suspect you may have a condition called acne rosacea, which tends to affect people in their 30s and 40s causing blushing attacks, spots and red skin on the nose and cheeks. No-one really knows what …

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Swollen Lips

Sometimes my lips swell up to several times their normal size. They tingle and burn beforehand and the swelling lasts for a few hours. What’s causing this? The most likely explanation for this would be an allergy to something you are eating but identifying what can be difficult. Common culprits include nuts, wheat, cow’s milk, hen’s eggs, shellfish, citrus fruits …